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Príslušenstvo ku klimatizácii

ERROR: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections CONTEXT: parallel worker SQL statement "SELECT l.listaar FROM listaar l WHERE l.cikkid = par_cikkid AND l.devizaid = devid AND current_date BETWEEN l.ervkezdet AND coalesce(l.ervveg, '3000-01-01') AND l.rendszerkod LIKE rendszerkod2 || '%' AND l.netto ORDER BY l.ervkezdet DESC, l.listaar LIMIT 1" PL/pgSQL function get_ar(integer,integer,integer,boolean) line 158 at SQL statement (SELECT id from ( select c.id, coalesce(c.rendelesekerteke, 0) AS rendelesekerteke, c.cikktipus, to_json(get_ar(c.id, 5, NULL)) AS ar from cikkkt c inner join vfakcio akc on akc.cikkid = c.id and akc.rendszerkod = 'SK' and akc.devizaid = '5' and akc.fejervkezdet <= current_date and (coalesce(akc.tetelervveg, akc.fejervveg) >= current_date or coalesce(akc.tetelervveg, akc.fejervveg) is null) where c.statusz <> 'KIV' and c.lathato <> 0 and c.sk_vf and not c.tiltva_hu group by c.id, c.rendelesekerteke, c.cikktipus order by coalesce(c.rendelesekerteke, 0) desc, c.cikktipus asc limit 16) a WHERE COALESCE(a.ar->>'akciosarid',a.ar->>'vfakcioid') NOTNULL order by rendelesekerteke desc, cikktipus asc limit 16)